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The air is describing us / lining our bodies / squeezing us gently / inside and out (2019)

Choreography by Paige Phillips in collaboration with the performers: Ani Javian, Katherine Kiefer-Stark, Ashley Lippolis, Celine McBride, Kate Seethaler, & Mary-Carmen Webb
Sound: Liam O’Connor
Materials: Evan Dawson

Mascher Space

Philadelphia, PA

May 10–11, 2019

This work began by asking six performers to explore the physicality of falling, and spiraled into a dichotomous community that feels isolated, yet requires the full support of the group to complete tasks. It acts as a metaphor for contemporary life, as we propel ourselves forward together despite ceaseless crashes around us.

There I was, UNDERGROUND, bending the light (2016)

By Paige Phillips
Sound: Liam O’Connor
Materials: Evan Dawson
​In collaboration with the performers: Ani Javian, Katherine Kiefer-Stark, Ashley Lippolis, Celine McBride, Kate Seethaler, & Mary-Carmen Webb

ChoWhy Gallery

Bangkok, Thailand

June 25, 2016

There I was, UNDERGROUND, bending the light is an installation that mixes together dance, movement scores, and sculpture. The event acts as a surreal, pop-up club in a Bangkok shop house where the audience completes the world by playing the club-goers. Inside are conjoined deer, mischievous women executing kaleidoscopic patterns, and 'spirits' soaking up the light of the moon. Echoing throughout is an original composition of club music infused with psychedelic alarms. The cast includes dancers from the United States and Thailand. 

Après moi, le déluge (2013)

By Paige Phillips
In collaboration with the performers: Owen David, Jill Guyton-Nee, Ani Javian,Tyisha Nedd, Gabby Stefura, Preston Witt


Skylab Gallery

Columbus, OH 

April 18–19, 2013

Après moi, le déluge was funded by the Ohio Arts Council's Individual Excellence Award.

Après moi, le déluge (After me, the flood), a phrase attributed to King Louis XV of France, describes the attitude of someone who does not care about the consequences of their actions. Surreal vignettes pull imagery from the choreographer's recurring dreams about floods and tsunamis, and the aesthetics were inspired by Francisco Goya's series of paintings about the supernatural. Mythic situations pairing humans against nature depict a hopeless struggle for survival; issues of control and power surface as the piece unfolds, bringing with it thoughts of environmental disaster and political turmoil.

May that we be inspired by the light (2013)

By Paige Phillips
Construction with Evan Dawson
Performers have included: Evan Dawson, Brian Devine, Ani Javian,
David Knox, Michael Morris, Tyisha Nedd, Phillips Spangler, Preston Witt

The work was created as part of a larger installation in Cornering a Hare.

Columbus College of Art and Design (CCAD) 

Columbus, OH

April 3, 2013

May that we be inspired by the light attempts to find the line of when devotion becomes overzealous. Meditation and mortification were taken into consideration to create the 10' heigh and 21' long device made for the purpose of rolling upon. The wooden slats frame the performance so that a simple action can be seen anew every time it is executed, but the wood makes the rolling a painful task.

© 2024 Ani Javian

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